About Coimbatore
Coimbatore, also called as Kovai by the locals, is the second biggest city of Tamil Nadu. A major industrial hub, Coimbatore is often called the “Manchester of South India” because of the large number of textile mills operating from here. It is one of the major textile manufacturing centres of Tamil Nadu as well as India. Other important industries of Coimbatore include software services, education and healthcare services among others. Coimbatore was under the reign of dynasties like the Cheras, the Cholas, the later Pandyas, Vijayanagar Empire and the Madurai Nayaks, to list a few. They all contributed towards the distinctive culture and history of the city. Coimbatore is well connected with all the major towns and cities of India by road, rail or airways.
Distance Between Ooty to Coimbatore
Distance between Ooty to Coimbatore is 87 km by Road along with an aerial distance of 53 km.Here Aerial Distance : 53 kms, Road Distance : 87 Kms.
To reach ooty to coimbatore taxi
There are no direct flights or trains or buses between Ooty to Coimbatore.The convenient and fastest way to reach from Ooty to Coimbatore is to take Tata Indica from Ooty to Coimbatore.The cheapest way to reach ooty to coimbatore taxi is to take our best packages and reach you destination on time.Because of there are no direct trains between Ooty and Coimbatore. However, the best way to reach Coimbatore from Ooty is to take ooty taxi in our ooty car rental services.
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